Saturday, February 20, 2016

Dear Readers

Dear Readers,
I'd love to hear back from you. What strikes you about what you read? What stories bore you? What would you like to hear more about?

Is anyone actually reading besides our mothers? :)

I feel like I've been monologuing here into an empty void. I'd love some feedback; use the comment section in the blog or on the links on Facebook.

Muchas gracias. :)


Anonymous said...

Dad here reading away...

Anonymous said...

I still check in here periodically to see the latest adventures of the Technicolor Haired World Biker. --Dave Wilkins

Laura said...

I like comparing notes on Colombia! I would say that Riohacha is roadside gasoline stand and plastic flamingos in the yard city. :)

Anonymous said...

I love everything. Maybe knowing where you were after you had left so I could follow along on the map belatedly. How far apart are the towns? What else was in the mall? What city is large enough to have a mall?

Anonymous said...

I love everything. Maybe knowing where you were after you had left so I could follow along on the map belatedly. How far apart are the towns? What else was in the mall? What city is large enough to have a mall?

Jim... said...

I check in daily to see what you are doing. Don't usually have anything to say. Just fun to see what an adventurer you have grown up to be.


Short_haired_biking_girl said...

Yay! Thank you. :)

Short_haired_biking_girl said...

So happy you enjoy the cultural stuff as much as I do enjoy writing about it. :). I'm happy to post more town names.

Short_haired_biking_girl said...

Love this town name. :)

Short_haired_biking_girl said...

The city of Caucasia had the mall. It was like being in a different world, every one fashionably dressed, not bothering to stare at us. I bought some earrings in a Tiny fancy shop. There was a subway in the mall!

Short_haired_biking_girl said...

Aw, thanks! And I'm glad. :)

Short_haired_biking_girl said...


Adam BigHugsALot said...

As I'm sure you're aware, my better half is following along almost religiously. As you may not know, I am also following along, albeit a few days behind. I love your writing most. Your voice fills every word. It's almost like being there with you, or having you here, half a world away, with us.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the vicarious pleasures and respite from the day to day. You are a talented writer and photographer. Our family enjoys traveling along with you all.

Unknown said...

Hi there! I'm a former colleague of your mom's from Xerox, and present-day Colombian expat. Your writings are a bridge to my childhood, as I traveled the road you are on many times back then (albeit in the back seat of a car!). They've given me a wonderfully different perspective on places and things that are at the same time familiar, yet still remarkably exotic when seen through fresh eyes. I'm having a REAL blast catching up to you through your words, which have truly made me want to "cheer on you"!

Short_haired_biking_girl said...

Thanks for this! I am so happy to share vicariously. :) may I ask who's calling? :p

Anonymous said...

I know I'm a little behind in time (still 2016 though!), but I too have have read every post. Your writing is hilarious and quirky, beautifully descriptive, heartwarming, generous, unapologetic. I'm a Canadian looking to travel to Colombia (aka, I'm an internet stranger). I was just thinking actually this is the first blog I have ever really read, or at least that I have read this much of. Thank you for sharing, stranger!

Short_haired_biking_girl said...

Dear Stranger, seeing your comment warmed me immensely; thank you for sharing your reader-ness. Please reach out if you want more info on traveling Colombia. I can only highly recommend it.