Monday, January 27, 2014

What Monday looks like.

Taro Balloon. It's purple. Found, photographed--but not eaten--in a little French bakery. 

At the used bike shop: successfully found Buddy Lissy a bicycle today! Unlike me, she did not fly hers here. Finding a  bicycle in Bangkok has been a fascinating treasure hunt. More about this later. 

Engines much? 

Ducks. I had part of one for my dinner. 

The green is "water mimosa" and I don't know what kind of vegetable that is but it tasted like green beans. The red is a type of hot pepper which I don't know either, but it is a Thai Hot Flash. I ate a whole one, curiously and ignorant, and was soon fanning myself. My face felt so spiced that the flare went just about to my lymph nodes. Wow. 


Anonymous said...

Just for clarification -- Dad says those are transmissions, mostly.

Charlotte Buehler said...

Hi Sandra! Just visited your blog for the first time - awesome - it is so good to follow you. The pictures you were able to post are marvelous! Travel safe and happy!! Charlotte

Anonymous said...

Can you see the moon and write about it. BoD