Monday, January 27, 2014

A small grieving

Dear all, I did not write yesterday because I had been looking forward all day to the beautiful and fascinating series of photographs I was going to post for your viewing pleasure.

And then, the computer corrupted them and between the computer and me, they were deleted. I lost all love of life for a little while and could not post. Even just a few days of photographs here, and I snapped some gems. Photographs to me capture a place and a feeling and are delicious fun to share. A closet-sized shop of Golden buddhas. A man at the protest sleeping in a hammock, his face hanging open and his skinny elbow jutting out. A cat sleeping in a wok at the market. A menu, mostly in Thai, but for a few English gems like "Fried Fry and Vegetables."

But now those photos are only words.

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