Thursday, January 23, 2014

Bangkok Arrival

Local street kitten begins unwrapping my bicycle box.
I have a traffic jam of sentences; I don't know how to start. Like the traffic jam that is the city of Bangkok. Here's a few: I've arrived! I feel the thrill of tropical plants and street vendors and foreign faces. Taxis are neon pink and the airport ladies room stall was entirely purple. I'm writing this from the little guesthouse in Bangkok: free internet. Mr. Taxi Driver (we needed a Big Taxi for the bike box) unloaded my (increasingly frail) box onto the curb and immediately this kitten scampered up and batted away at a flap of tape. I met my Biking Buddy Lissy in the airport, at our designated meeting place--in this foreign land, no cell phones, no Plan B--and I was a flood of gratitude to see her again. I'm spinning. I'm in Thailand! It's tomorrow here, by the way, for you westerners you. Tomorrow is very nice; you'll enjoy it.

I think I shall organize myself and write a proper entry soon.


Peter said...

I am really looking forward to tomorrow, now that I know it has kittens in it.

Thank you for the arrival post. We shall follow your adventures with anticipation and joy!

Unknown said...

Love the kitten! Glad you arrived safely (and found your friend!)... trying not to sound like a mom here! ;)

Have fun! :)