Monday, March 31, 2014

The last of the photos.

How is it that I skipped over these gems?

Bonsai in the royal ancient citadel, Hue Vietnam.

Vietnam: we saw many photo copy shops in each town, and sometimes a cluster of them even in remote areas. I still don't know what all people were copying but Elise and I had fun with this one. "Hey, are you hungry?" "No, but I want to photo-copy something!"


Hanoi Vietnam: the purse and shoes aisle.

(I'm actually 6 years old and dressed myself.)  The last 10 days of our trip we were in cold grayness. Having been packing light and for warmer weather, this was my single potluck outfit to try and stay a little warm. Wow was I tired of it after 10 days.

Hue, Vietnam. Very classic breakfast stall. On squat little bench-lettes like this.  No small elevation change for me to eat like that.

Uff da. (Vietnam) 

And she pedaled off into the paddies.  (Vietnam)

River boat ride, Vietnam.

Two teenage Thai girls adopted us on their motorbikes one night, leading us to a hotel as it became dark. With their little English they helped translate for us, wanted to have our photos, and wouldn't accept any payment. They drew us this wee map so we could find our way back to the main road the next morning.  The "We now" Elise and I found absolutely charming, and became one of the motifs of the trip; be present, enjoy the now.

Food was dreamy in Thailand. Flat rice noodles with seafood and vegetables. Fresh black pepper.

One of our deserted road Vietnam coastal rides.

You can see why I ate my weight in fruit over there. (Battambang, Cambodia)

A very characteristic Vietnamese house in the country. Note the flowers and Jesus on the porch. I was surprised to see Him here, but southern Vietnam has a substantial Catholic population.

Purple hair? Actually reeds drying roadside to be woven into mats.

At the end of our 130 kilometer day. I got off the bike and was like, "ah ha! I'm stuck in this position now!"


Anonymous said...

I love the we now!


Anonymous said...

Each pic tells a fresh story. Terrific! So glad you remembered to share these!
--Amy M.