Good Things About Returning To USA:
- Drinking water from any tap, not always having to be searching for a sealed blue water cooler jug to refill my bottle from. (Bottled water was about 50 cents for 1.5 L, but I dislike using all that plastic and would much rather "refill", and also that adds up because I am always thirsty!)
- Understanding what people are saying. Being able to ask what's in that banana leaf. Commenting on someone's hairstyle. Asking for directions.
- Having more than 4 shirts in my wardrobe.
- Staying clean for more than 14 hours at a time. (This was true mostly for bicycling days)
- Killing mosquitoes for sport hunting only, not as malaria protection.
- Trusting that toilets in coffee shops will have toilet paper and soap. And even a way to dry one's hands!
- Fearlessly eating foods and drinking iced drinks knowing they absolutely most likely do not contain amoebas or typhoid.
- Kale, peanut butter, real cheese, real chocolate.
- Knowing I pay the same price as everybody else in the shop for a shirt, some fruit, cookies. Also, knowing that the marked price is the price and not dependent on your negotiation skills.
Man that was a great trip. curt
Indeed! I'm glad you thought so too.
I'm so glad to have had fellow travelers. Especially when times were frustrating or a little challenging, there is always the consolation that I Can Write This Later.
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