Thursday, March 6, 2014

Pho, Swastikis, and Other Photos: Southeast Vietam Coast.

One of our daily Vietnamese coffee happinesses. The coffee is served as its working its way through a mini filter; the white at the bottom is the sweetened condensed milk. Mix and pour into the waiting ice.

Bicycle in Paradise.

A very classic (cheap) breakfast here. We sit ourselves behind the little stall of dishes and hope for the best. Lady Elise had gestured that we'd like soup, and this is the soup Mrs. Stall brought us.

The charming and wonderful dragon-fruits.

Pho bo! Noodle soup with beef. The most ubiquitous dish here, available for all three meals. The highpoint of eating this is planting it full of the fresh herbs (basil, culantro, mint, unidentified things...) on the table.

Arnica Montana, all happy and pillowy, growing here as a ground cover. (for Linda-Mom)

After a number of days in small towns, with little more than a Dusty Things Store, shopping for snacks at a SUPER MARKET (with lighting so you can see what you're buying, organization, and prices listed) was indeed a pleasure. And to think grocery stores had once been completely taken for granted.....

Along the ocean in the wind; it's amazing there's anything left of those flags at all.

Graveyard Swastikis! How truly weird. In addition to being adopted and nullified by the Nazis, swastikis are also a symbol of Ausperity in Asian cultures.

A replishing road-side stop for cold coconut water and green tea. The hair-style of this tree, combined with this ubiquitous red furniture, is a very classic moment here.


Anonymous said...

I have one of those drip coffee things to make Vietnamese coffee. We'll make one when you get home. Yum. What does dragon fruit taste like. I love that there are so many fruits that we have never seen here.

Anonymous said...

Nevermind--just read your post about the flavor of dragon fruit. Wow.

Anonymous said...

I love the captions for these photos. Can you bike on the sand? Remember trying to do that in Costa Rica?

Anonymous said...

You need to pedal slower your going to fast, I won't have anything to read. curt

Short_haired_biking_girl said...

Yeah, fruits, I love them here! Today I ate one that looked just like a potato; I'd been avoiding trying it for weeks. Because it looked like a potato. But inside it tasted like sweet rich vanilla pudding with cinnamon (more or less).

Short_haired_biking_girl said...

Yes I remember that in Costa Rica. Here we avoid biking on the sand because it is too deep and sucks us in; we become wallowing uncontrollable things.

Short_haired_biking_girl said...

Aw! This is sweet. With this wind, though, we are going slower.