Monday, February 17, 2014

The Sandwich Calcium Cracker and other photos

Country-side section of the National Road 3 south of Phnom Penh. Cows munch in the waiting rice paddies during the dry season.   

The sun rises through it all in capitol city Phnom Penh Sunday morning.

Doggedly making it through traffic, with some exhaust protection, in Phnom Penh.

Her Nia. I'm assuming it treats His Nia too.

Our bikes are behaving like cats here, nosing up in the ironing. "Let's just lock the bikes to this big table," we'd said in the ground floor of our guest house, returning later to find this scene. Turned out to be their ironing board!

Mmmmmm Calcium Cracker. Made by Lexus, too. We are staying tonight in the town of "Krakor", which I am sure is not at all related.

Very classic roadside scene. Motorbikes and burning garbage, with the less common loveliness from golden creatures and flowers (these were more common in Thailand).

Buddha goes for a ride.

I laughed out loud watching this balloon guy sway all billowy through traffic.

The only sign needed for Cambodian roads.

Cambodians load their vehicles beyond imaginable capacity. And check out that motorbike at the very back.

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