Sunday, February 9, 2014

Poo, Palms, and other photographs

Ok, so I'm a 12-year old boy, but this was one of our menu options. 

Busy sunset street in Trat. Do you want the pink or neon green apartment? 

Fishing boats rest on the Koh Kood Island.

The rocking island ferry puts some to sleep. 

Our palm and bamboo hut directly on the beach, Koh Kood. 

Koh Kood beach. 

A beach wedding photo shoot. 

Our bikes are clothing drying racks and as needed, cold beverage holders. 

Another guest house still life. 

Papaya salad breakfast at Mrs. Shack's place. 

Mr. Guard insisted on a photograph with me. 

The little raised cement path, through the village-lette and over the river,  leading us to the beach.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you were able to post photos finally. I loved seeing the hut! and the cement path - Wow! I'm glad there was a photo of the papaya salad, too! They're all great photos!