Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Today we were four

Today we were four
Joining forces with Lady Elise and her Spanish Amante, we became a bike gang heading to Tulum, after sharing an Airbnb for two nights. It felt glorious and unaccustomed (for independent little old me) to be in community. Sharing everything. A big pineapple that I bought, which Jen cut up, which Elise made a smoothie of, and then the chopped remains toted along in a Ziploc and produced later at our beach rest stop, passed around amongst us like kids passing a joint.

Likewise, everyone had a Need at some point, and everyone waited for everyone. Made for slow going, but such an interwoven sense of common cause.

What do you call a grouping of bicycles? A clan? A flock? Awesomeness?
Nachos are better shared four ways. Especially when in Mexico. Especially when heavy with that specific kind of hungry that comes from powering your own way around in full sun.
All of the green visibility! Our homemade pineapple cilantro smoothie is contained therein.
One of the "mini super" shops in a tiny town, i call them Everything Stores.

1 comment:

Bri said...

Fun pictures! Fun words! Fun woman!