Tuesday, January 27, 2015

"Waxed or unwaxed?"

I had a beautiful ski this morning, in this snowy world of freshness.
Except I'd never before gone skiing with an un-pumped yoga ball in a
box or a bag of fine Ethiopian coffee.

You see, I was skiing to the bus stop and carrying my Windowless
Office Survival Kit on my back.

I went to bed last night planning a snowy trudge to the bus stop
(thanks to the logistics of my Snow Bike having been left at Cornell)
but then had the bizarre idea of skiing there instead. But this wasn't
without a few questioning considerations. What if the snow, even
though it seemed plentiful, wasn't thick enough? Would Mr Bus Driver
even let me on with them?

But it worked out quite well indeed, the country road I had to
navigate was mostly devoid of traffic and I enjoyed the roadside trees
draped in snow crocheted doilies. I was blessed to enjoy one of those
times of weightlessness and space before my workday started. Since
Googlemaps, unlike for driving, walking or biking, doesn't provide the
estimated time to ski a given distance, I completely overestimated my
time and arrived plenty early. I skied a loop around the park by the
bus stop.

"Waxed or unwaxed?" asked an older gentleman at the bus stop, and
another young bloke added: "I dig your style." The bus pulled up and I
carefully maneuvered my clacking ski poles and slippery skis--those
long and blundery items--into one arm so I could gracefully tap my bus
pass and enter the bus with my load.

The tips caught on the door and the ski poles slipped and I had to
rearrange quickly but I got on! "Those are a REAL hazard", Mr Bus
Driver said good-naturedly, "so just make sure you don't poke or
puncture anybody." I assured him I would keep them all well-behaved,
and was rejoicing that he let them on with a warning rather than
flatly disallowing them.

Buses are not really designed to accommodate the long unwieldiness of
skis, rather the squishy pliable lumps of human bodies, but I found a
back seat and got everyone threaded in and positioned by the window.

Now I just need to bring a Going Mug of hot chocolate to enjoy
afterward, and all will be quite excellent indeed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I skied to my office at UI a few times back in the days when we still had lots of snow in the winter. It worked fine in the residential areas, but once I hit downtown it was already plowed and sanded, and I had to carry my skis the rest of the way. Elisabeth Brackney